Looking For

I am looking to make music my life. I want to play shows write music spend time in studios and just learn as much as possible to become better as a musician.


Growing up was pretty tough I had to move alot so I didn't really make friend alot. My dad was really into music and was in a could death metal bands one actually got pretty close to making it. I fell in love with music it was with me where ever I went even if that meant I was making It in my head. I started becoming more serious about learning when I was 8 and started playing guitar. After high school i giged alot in Milwaukee and kenosha WI. Recently I've been producing music and trying to broaden my horizon with my music. I can't wait to learn and become better not only with my guitar but with music in general.


I've always loved aggressive music but i like to play anything. The more I know the more fun I have
