Looking For

We are a band called WHAT, looking for new members to record and produce music with. We have a recording studio, a Bassist and a Lead Guitarist. We need a Drummer and a Lead Vocalist but are open to the possibility of other musicians.


We have been recording music over the last few years semi-seriously, just the 2 of us, honing our skills. Between us 2 we we have fully produced about a dozen instrumental tracts with Drums, Keyboard and Guitars and now we are looking for new members to fill out all the positions so we can all jam together live instead of having to layer instruments with recordings. We do not want to play live gigs but want to continue to concentrate on honing our craft, writing and producing our own music from our recording studio. We would like to start tryouts for new members immediately


Metallica, Pink Floyd, RATM, Pearl Jam, Ect...